The Wizard Merlin: Second Edition Page 4
Hector sighed. "Yes, but I don't want Lance to try and take his life like I did."
Tristan's face paled. "You what?"
Hector shuffled his feet and avoided Tristan's stare. "It was after I tried to run away. When you pulled me back, I still wanted it to be over. So I....I ate a lethal amount of poisonous herb."
Tristan stared at him in shock.
"It didn't take though. I woke up the next morning anyway. God wouldn't let me abandon my task so easily. I don't want the sire to see that first hand with Lance."
Tristan opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out.
Hector smiled. "Eventually I found something to keep me pushing on. Someone, I guess you could say."
Hector chuckled and touched Tristan's shoulder. "Take a guess."
Tristan swallowed hard. "Me?"
Hector nodded and wrapped his arms around Tristan's waist. "You. That night we first kissed....well, I'll never forget it. How it made everything right again."
Tristan ducked his head down. "I...I didn't know that you were still troubled. I thought....I thought I had broken you out of that. I'm....I'm sorry."
"Well, it's not like I exactly told you everything back then. I didn't want you to worry."
Tristan sighed. "I'm scared for the sire. I don't want to see him ruined like he was in the early days of this journey."
Hector pulled Tristan's head under his chin and stroked his hair. "I don't think he will be. I'm not sure how I know, it just seems like they're destined to be together."
"I hope you're right."
All except for Gareth sat around the campfire. The pain had subsided in Lance’s chest so he was up sitting next to Merlin under a blanket.
He licked his lips and glanced over at Merlin. "So the only story left is Hector's."
Hector sighed and laid his head on Tristan's shoulder.
Merlin frowned and looked over at Hector. "Do you want me not to tell it, Hector?"
The herbalist sighed again. "It has to be told. I just don't want to be the one to tell it."
Merlin nodded. "I'd imagine."
Lance swallowed hard. "Is it that painful?"
Merlin sighed. "You have no idea, but we might as well start." He drank from his canteen and replaced the lid. "After getting Gareth, we were now able to fight some small groups of enemies. It was a good thing we did, because the numbers only increased after that."
Tristan glanced down at Hector before speaking. "I was washing in a stream when I saw a person watching me from afar. I didn't know if it was an enemy or not, so I pulled out my sword and the person ran off. I didn't know who it was at the time until later."
Merlin stared at Tristan. "Why haven't you told me this before? I never heard of a man you encountered."
Tristan sighed. "I didn't want to worry you. Since they ran once I made my intention known, there was no point in discussing it further."
Lance frowned. "Then why bring this up now?"
"Because that was the first time I saw Hector."
Merlin's mouth dropped. "That was Hector? Is that why you reacted when they had the archery contest?"
Tristan nodded. "Yes, I recognized him."
Lance looked between the two men. "What archery contest?"
Merlin glanced back at Lance. "Sorry, I'm getting ahead of myself. We arrived in a small village, one filled with mages and archers. They recognized me immediately and took me to their elder."
Tristan sighed. "They wouldn't let us in with the sire. The elder's guards said that only the blue mage must enter. I wasn't happy with that."
Merlin chuckled. "Tristan screamed at them until I told them to wait for me outside. I am thankful that the elder saw me alone. I was....I was hiding something from them."
Now it was Tristan's turn to stare. "You what? What were you hiding?"
Merlin sighed and continued on. "Their elder was a kind man. He walked over to me and touched my chest, healing my wound."
Tristan's eyes widened. "You kept an injury from me? Sire, how could you do that?"
Merlin bit his lip and glanced away. "I didn't want you to worry. I had hoped it would heal on its own and that the herbs would keep it from getting rotten. It didn't, as the wound was of a magical nature."
Lance touched Merlin's shoulder. "But how did the elder fix it?"
Merlin smiled at the gesture. "Their elder is a red mage, skilled in healing. In fact, the whole village was full of red mages. I'm actually surprised Hector isn't one."
Hector swallowed hard and looked away from Merlin. "Yes, it is surprising."
"I asked the elder how he knew of my injury and he just smiled at me. He asked us to stay for the night and attend their yearly archery contest the next morning."
Tristan chuckled. "And for once, I actually got a full night's sleep. No one attacked the village."
Lance smiled. "Well, that's good at least."
Merlin smiled sadly. "It wouldn't stay that way though."
Lance grimaced and gripped Merlin's shoulder. "If it's too painful, you can stop. I don't want you to hurt because of me."
Merlin smiled at him. "It's fine, I just wish I had been able to stop it. Not that I would have been allowed to by God, but still."
Tristan watched them and sighed. "The archery contest began mid morning the next day. There were ten men competing for a chance to go against the defending champion. I hated that guy."
Hector chuckled. "Victor was his name. And yes, most hated him as well. He was arrogant and a braggart, but he was very skilled with the bow. He'd been the reigning champion for five years running."
Merlin nodded. "Indeed he was. The archery contest was to see how many arrows could hit the center circle. It started with ten and eventually it was down to two."
Tristan smiled. "Hector took care of him with his eyes closed."
Hector blushed on Tristan's shoulder. "He was a good shooter as well. I just got lucky."
Tristan rolled his eyes. "You think too little of yourself. I'd never seen anyone that skilled with a bow."
Lance grinned at the second blush creeping across Hector's face. "You're going to make his face stay that red if you keep it up."
Tristan shrugged. "I just speak the truth."
Merlin chuckled. "Tristan is correct; Hector had no problems with the last challenger before the final match. The champion contest was....interesting to say the least."
Hector grinned at Lance. "We were neck and neck, matching each other's hits the whole time. Eventually they gave us one target to aim for and whoever's arrow hit dead center would win."
"The champion did his shot first and then Hector followed...."
Tristan interrupted Merlin. "Hector's arrow split the champion's arrow right down the middle. It was amazing."
Merlin rolled his eyes. "So amazing that Tristan has decided that he needs to interrupt me."
Tristan snorted. "You were taking too long."
Merlin laughed. "Yes, and it's called building suspense. This is why you were never that good at telling stories to the children of our village."
Lance laughed at Tristan. "He has a good point. So then, Hector became the new champion?"
Merlin nodded. "Yes, but the previous champion was a sore loser."
Tristan snorted. "You could say that. Hector was facing the crowd, reveling in the cheers when that bastard tried to hit him from behind with a sword. I saw it and threw my knife at his hand from the balcony."
Hector sighed. "I didn't even know what had happened until I turned around and Victor was screaming about his hand. I was about to ask why when the elder spoke up about it."
Merlin nodded. "He banished Victor from the village for his actions, justly so if you ask me."
Tristan snorted. "He deserved what he got. If you can't admit there are others better than you, then you deserve your fate."
Hector chuckled. "And not because he was trying to take me out?"
nbsp; Tristan opened his mouth to respond, but then closed it again.
Merlin chuckled at Tristan. "After that incident, the elder ordered for the celebration feast to begin. Unfortunately the happy mood around wouldn't last."
Hector sighed and closed his eyes. "I remember....I remember the screams. They would haunt my dreams for years. Crying out for me, begging me to help them....I just...."
Tristan pulled Hector further into his arms to comfort him.
Lance winced and turned to Merlin. "Did the Dark Lord's forces attack the village?"
Merlin frowned. "Yes, just after dusk when the wine and ale were in abundance. I had a feeling they were waiting for the Dark Lord's command to attack when the village was most vulnerable."
Tristan sighed. "The Dark Lord's minions invaded fast, killing everyone in their way. Though no one was fighting didn't make any sense to me."
Lance frowned. "They just stood there like pigs to a slaughter? That makes no sense for an archery village."
Merlin shook his head. "They were unprepared and drunk. That doesn't make for a good archer. The only ones that weren't taken out were a few from the balcony where we were. I asked the elder if he needed assistance and he told me to find Hector in the maddening crowd. In the end, I wish I hadn't found him."
Hector brushed away the tears from his eyes. "I was....I was taking out anyone I could on the grounds. I'd never killed so many things in my whole life. All that blood and guts...I'm amazed my stomach held."
Tristan frowned. "We found Hector fighting away with some creatures and decided to help him. Our swords, Merlin's power, and his bow were a force to be reckoned with. That is, until the elder arrived."
Merlin's eyes drifted shut. "The elder pulled Hector aside and told him that it was his fate to join my party. There was only one thing stopping him from going."
Tears drifted down Merlin's face and Lance put his arm around the blue mage's shoulder.
Tristan looked away from Merlin to the trees. "The Dark Lord's forces were looting the homes and dragging the occupants into the middle of the square to be slaughtered. I....I heard Hector scream and run forward for a group of people."
Hector's hands went up to cover his eyes to stop the tears from falling. "The elder stopped my movement....he wouldn't let me intervene.....he said I needed to see it."
Lance stared at Hector in shock. "Wait, he made you watch them die?"
Merlin nodded in Lance’s arms. "Yes, he did. It was horrible....I never want to see something like that again."
Hector's body wracked with sobs. "I can....I can.....I can still see my sisters crying and scared. They....they called for me and I could....I could do nothing. They did nothing wrong...."
Gareth walked into the clearing and looked around the campfire. He sighed and turned to Lance. "They got to Hector's part?"
Lance brushed away the tears from his eyes and nodded. "Yes. I can't believe the elder would do such a thing."
Gareth nodded. "Yes, it was particularly cruel of him. We were a bit lost after that for a while."
Hector wiggled out of Tristan's arms and dried his face. "My watch now?"
Gareth nodded and gripped Hector's shoulder tightly. "You sure you're up for this? I can give you more time if need be."
Hector shook his head. "No, I need something to clear my mind."
Tristan watched him disappear through the trees and frowned. "We should head to bed. That's enough storytelling for one night."
Merlin nodded and moved out of Lance’s arms to make the beds.
Hector sighed and played with the string on his bow. He looked up from time to time to half glance at the trees before him.
A rustling of trees sounded from behind and Hector didn't even bother to turn around. Instead he called out to the intruder. "I may be distracted, but I'm not deaf, Tristan."
Tristan sighed and walked in to stand beside Hector. "I wasn't sure. I didn't want to come creeping up and surprise you. I don't need another arrow in my chest, one was plenty."
Hector snorted and pushed Tristan's shirt open to reveal a scar above his belly. "I can't believe it's still there. It's been so long since that happened."
Tristan's eyes fluttered, the herbalist's soft fingers rubbed against his skin. "Not even your powers can heal something like that. I assume Merlin still has his scar as well."
Hector sighed and walked into Tristan's open arms. He laid his head down on Tristan's exposed chest over his heart. "I still remember that day. I was coming to relieve you from watch."
Tristan bit his lip, eyes slipping shut. "I was....I was ambushed by a lone archer. I couldn't call for help, the blood was filling up in my lungs."
"I remember screaming no and running over to you. At the time, you were the only one determined for me to deal with my past. It's not like the sire didn't care, but he was still dealing with the horrible images haunting his dreams. But didn't care about all that."
Tristan sighed and laid his chin over Hector's head, arms tightening around him. "I didn't want to see you in pain. It hurt watching you feel so lost and helpless. I wanted to give you something to live for."
Hector smiled against the guardian's chest. He turned his head and kissed over Tristan's heart. "That you did. Though for a minute there, I wasn't sure if I could save you."
"I never doubted you. Even though I didn't know you were a red mage, I knew that I would be safe in your care."
Hector blushed. "I'm glad one of us did. It's funny, I'd worked so hard to hide my magic, but I didn't hesitate to use it with you."
Tristan grinned. "You can't resist me, that's all."
Hector rolled his eyes. "Sometimes I wish I could."
"You haven't yet."
Hector snorted. "For as much grief as you gave me in the early days, I owe you everything."
Tristan blushed despite himself.
Hector chuckled and patted Tristan on the shoulder. "Have a nice watch, Tristan."
Tristan sighed and closed his shirt again. He looked into the trees and hoped his watch would go by fast.
Merlin stretched and looked down expecting Lance’s arm to be around him in some fashion. Instead, he was all alone in the clearing. He frowned and got up to find out where everyone had gone.
Tristan looked up as Merlin walked by. "Going somewhere?"
Merlin smiled at him. "Just stretching. Don't you ever sleep?"
Tristan chuckled. "Not if I can help it."
Merlin rolled his eyes and headed for the stream to wash off.
Tristan called after him. "Watch out for Lance, he's in that area too."
The mage nodded and proceeded further into the woods.
Tiny hands flicked the branch away to reveal a small lake. A splash of water filled Merlin's ears and he turned toward the sound. He gasped and dived back into the trees to avoid being seen.
There in front of him was Lance, washing up in the lake. Droplets of water rolled down his muscular back and legs, sun lighting him up like a divine apparition.
Merlin's mouth went dry, heat from his body slowly making him warmer by the second. He tried to force himself to look away, to not watch Lance touch himself lovingly with a cloth to wash away a few days worth of dirt and sweat.
Merlin's eyes widened. Not for the sight of Lance completely bare in front of him, but for the glowing green circle over his heart.
Tristan was talking with Gareth when Merlin came barreling out of the woods. He reached out an arm and stopped Merlin.
"Sire, what's wrong?"
Merlin gasped for a breath and shook his head. "He is...he is....oh my god....this can't be...."
Tristan laid a hand on Merlin's shoulder. "Calm yourself before speaking." He stared into the trees and back at Merlin. "Is someone following you? Just nod your answer."
Merlin shook his head and closed his eyes to focus his energy.
Gareth frowned.
"Where is Lance? Wasn't he at the lake?"
Merlin nodded. "Yes, he is. I...wait, does this mean that you're all marked?"
"Sire, I don't understand what you mean."
Merlin reached for Tristan's shirt and tried to open it.
Tristan's hand came up to stop him. "Sire, what are you doing? Stop this madness."
Merlin shook his head. "You don't understand. I need to see your heart, to see if you have it too."
Tristan stared at the mage. "My heart? I'm afraid you can't see that until I'm dead."
The mage rolled his eyes. "That's not what I meant, Tristan. Just show me your chest so I can see. It's a simple request."
Tristan glanced over at Gareth and the tall blond just shrugged. He sighed and opened his shirt to show Merlin the top part of his chest.
Merlin examined it and frowned. "No, you're not marked."
Gareth opened his shirt before Merlin asked, anticipating the request.
Merlin frowned again and shook his head. "I don't understand. Why is he marked and you aren't? Maybe he's...."
Hector shuffled into the clearing and dropped off handfuls of fresh herbs and flowers. He glanced up just in time to see Merlin running for him.
"Sire? Are you ok?"
Merlin stopped short of Hector's position. "Hector, this is going to sound odd but I need to see your chest, where your heart is below."
Hector hesitated and glanced over at Tristan with a frown on his face. Tristan sighed and nodded at him.
The herbalist sighed and opened his shirt, a frown still covering his face.
Merlin looked down and gasped. "My god, you're marked too!"
Hector stared at the mage. "Too? There's another?"
Merlin touched the red circle over Hector's heart with a gloved hand. The rough leather brushed the light layer of hair below. He glanced up at Hector in awe. "You''re a healer. Red means healing magic. I can't believe I didn't notice it sooner."
Hector swallowed the lump in his throat. ", I wasn't sure if I should let you know or not. I didn't....I didn't want you to mistrust me."
Merlin smiled and removed his hand from Hector's chest. "Not likely. I would only mistrust you if that mark was black like the Dark Lord's minions."